Irrespective of which class of insurance business you might be managing, there are consistent themes relevant to all that are helpful to bear in mind. With years of experience and a track record of delivery, we know what these are.
◉ Never just look at the fees. Your claims indemnity is always more important.
◉ Supplier behaviour is usually more important than the commercials put in place.
◉ Create an environment where good performance is commercially rewarded.
It also really helps if you are able to understand the procurement / supply chain process AND the insurance claims process. This is where we excel.

Hands on claims experience
We have managed claims, claims teams, repair networks, built contents supply chains, created TPA functions, and run loss adjuster panels. This has been done this as a supplier to the industry and on behalf of global insurers. We undertook a full review of the primary UK Third Party Administrator (TPA) followed by an in depth file review audit.
Extensive industry experience
We have re-engineered repair network processes, implemented IT projects and claims functions, reimagined salvage provision, and negotiated multiple ancillary product line deals o behalf of multiple insurers. We found multiple legal firms being deployed across multiple classes of business with inevitable scope creep.

Largest UK bank
We have run a full blown multi year, multi product travel insurance tender. Starting from mapping out all requirements to the final implementation of a new provider. Here we worked with a very talented Cyber team who had in-depth knowledge a crystal clear vision of what the output needed to look like.
Top 5 syndicate
We have run tenders and managed all manner of suppliers across all classes of business within a leading Lloyds of London syndicate. We ran a formal process to find an outsourced claims solution to take low value and run off claims following an acquisition.